Bullspotting: Finding Facts in the Age of Misinformation “Bullspotting” by Loren Collins is a book that attempts to hold a lens of hard, cold logic to an entirely illogical world in order to sift through a sea of emotionally persuasive information that overwhelms us. It is a book about critical thinking in a world in…
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Well, the heat finally broke here in Georgia, meaning it isn’t 80 degrees out before sunrise, and that means that I get my annual season-changing illness. I get sick every October, this one being no exception. I went home from work early on Friday and, more or less, have been in bed ever since. This…
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I am in desperate need of a haircut. My pin straight hair is too heavy and greasy to have any volume in these dry winter days, and so it clings desperately to my skull and the sides of my face in an effort to make my cheeks look as wide as humanly possible. Sometimes one…
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Lately, I’ve been obsessed with Wonder Woman. I even got a fake Wonder Woman tattoo and put it on my tricep. (Still not willing to get a real one.) I loved the Wonder Woman TV show when I was a kid, though to be honest I can’t remember the plot of a single specific episode.…
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All Who Go Do Not Return: A Memoir by Shulem Deen This book is a memoir written by a once pious yeshiva boy living in an insular Hasidic community turned Brooklyn hipster. The story of how that transformation happened, the spiritual and social struggle, is really fascinating. As a Reform Jew, as far philosophically…
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I have to admit that I spend a stupid amount of time at Taco Bell for someone my age. I associate Taco Bell with college road trips, when I could get a taco or bean burrito for the amount of change I could find in the sofa cushions. It’s a little more expensive now, but, then again,…
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I have a pretty good sense of direction, so I’ve never really had a problem getting from Point A to an unfamiliar Point B. Even before the days of GPS and Google Maps. Of course, I only vaguely remember those days. I rely heavily on my GPS and even when I know better I get…
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The Liebster Award I was proud to be nominated for a Liebster award by Emily from Mom on the Move. The Liebster award was created to help people discover new, interesting bloggers that you might not have found otherwise. Once nominated, nominees answer questions from their nominator, the nominate new nominees, name new questions for the…
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Can’t We Talk about Something More Pleasant?: A Memoir by Roz Chast What a unique and wonderful thing is this book. I can’t think of anything I’ve ever read that is like it, and in a world of same old same old, that really struck me. Roz Chast, best known as a cartoonist for the…
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Theoretically, I have standards. First world standards. Upper middle class standards beyond that, even. Not just clean water and delicious, plentiful food, and no military juntas at the door, but beautiful, peaceful living space with useless, but pretty, tasteful décor. I have fantasies of having the kind of house that makes people walk in and…
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