“The Meat and Potatoes of Life: My True Lit Com” is the story of Lisa Smith Molinari. Molinari could have had a career as a successful litigator in a big law firm and made a ton of money. She had the education and the skill set and the job and the drive and everything it…
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My friend sent me, via text message, this picture of her mother’s cat: Something about this cat picture, sent to me two weeks into house arrest via coronapocalypse, spoke to a place deep inside me. I felt this cat. This cat knew something important about the universe. I wanted this cat to replace the bald…
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“Good Grammar is the Life of the Party: Tips for a Wildly Successful Life” by Curtis Honeycutt is an irreverent, fun collection of essays written by a self-described Word Nerd. Honeycutt makes grammar fun and relevant by sticking to his theme: if you want to be taken seriously, you have to sound like you want…
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My husband and I recently celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary. This means our marriage is now old enough to drink. That’s good. It needs a drink. On the one hand, you could say that the romance has gone out of our relationship. The honeymoon stage is so long over that I’m pretty sure it is…
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