Lori Writes Books and Blogs Lori Duff Writes

Monthly Archives: November 2018

I Left You Alone for Ten Minutes November 29, 2018

I didn’t grow up with pets.  My father has a basic contempt for any critter that doesn’t have the sense to be born a human being.  My mother teeters between being afraid of anything with pointy teeth and being grossed out by anything with an exposed anus.  Our pets were limited to birds in cages…

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Ode to Flannel Sheets November 8, 2018

Ode to Flannel Sheets “Beauty is truth, truth beauty,” And beauty occureth not without a good night’s sleep. Therefore without sleep, there is no truth, Only a jumble of undercaffeinated syllables.   Percale will do, maybe even soothe on hot summer nights. But in the winter?  The flannel sheets grab you, Hold fast to your…

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