Lori Writes Books and Blogs Lori Duff Writes

Monthly Archives: December 2022

Rent-a-Mom December 23, 2022

I have a business idea that, if I had the energy to build from the ground up, would make me a zillionaire.  Get this: Rent-a-Mom.  There have been times when I wished I could have called the good ladies at Rent-a-Mom when my kids were sick at college and just needed a good in-person momming…

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Picking Out Glasses December 9, 2022

I went on my annual pilgrimage to the eye doctor earlier today.  I’ve had eyeball surgery three times in my life, so the poking and prodding they do for a normal exam is no big deal to me.  The big deal is picking out glasses.  This is a big, colossal deal, and I’m expected to…

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