Lori Writes Books and Blogs Lori Duff Writes

Monthly Archives: February 2016

Tweenage Drama Island February 28, 2016

Some other Moms of pubescent girls and I have been talking, and we think we’ve found a solution to our problems that will not only make our lives easier, but possibly make us a metric ton of money. I’m talking about a reality show, Tweenage Drama Island: Where EVERYTHING Is Personal. Imagine this: twenty-five 12…

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Me and Scalia February 21, 2016

In honor of the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, I’m reprinting this article I wrote back in 2013 when I had the opportunity to meet Justice Scalia during my trip to be sworn in to the United States Supreme Court.  This is an edited version, with certain other memories that were called to my attention…

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BOOK REVIEW: Supreme Courtship February 19, 2016

  Supreme Courtship by Christopher Buckley All the best satire is just a little bit too true. I read Supreme Courtship years ago. Now that Justice Antonin Scalia has died unexpectedly and, as my friend Suzanne wisely said, threw a gooey chocolate cupcake on the anthill that is 2016 politics, this book has become increasingly relevant. The…

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Nap Time for Grownups February 14, 2016

A friend of mine who knows me rather well sent me a link to a product called the Ostrich Pillow. Seriously: look at this: Studio Banana Things The Original Authentic Ostrich Pillow. I haven’t bought it yet because it is a little pricey, but it is only a matter of time before I break down and…

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VIRTUAL BOOK TOUR: New York Night February 12, 2016

New York Night: The 7th Jack Nightingale Supernatural Thriller New York Night by Stephen Leather is a detective story, of sorts. Jack Nightingale is on loan from England to investigate mysterious killings in New York. The victims are mutilated and the crimes seem to be unrelated, but observant medical examiners have noticed that demonic sigils…

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Grilled Cheese and Snuggles February 7, 2016

The other day, my daughter was sad for reasons only truly understood by another 12 year old girl.  It was a Saturday, one of the few days in which I had nothing in particular to do, and to celebrate planned on doing laundry and scrubbing the grout in the bathroom. Marin moaned something pitiful and…

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