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Monthly Archives: June 2018

Yes, I Think I’m Funny June 22, 2018

I Think I’m Funny I have this absolutely non-humorous, borderline boring, slightly academic theory on humor, which is that laughter is the pinnacle of mindfulness. That is, when you are laughing, you are entirely in the moment in which you are laughing, and completely unaware of physical and emotional pain or distress, or anything else…

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Book Review — How to Stop Time June 15, 2018

How to Stop Time “How to Stop Time” by Matt Haig is one of the more interesting and unique books I’ve read in a long time. It tells the story of Tom Hazard, who suffers from a condition called “anageism” – which means that his body doesn’t age at a normal pace, and he is…

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I’m Proud Every Month June 8, 2018

The month of June is known in the United States for many things, among them, the fact that it has been designated Pride Month, to commemorate the Stonewall Riots in NYC in June of 1969.  The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer [LGBTQ] community calls it “Pride” Month to contrast with the shame they are…

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