Lori Writes Books and Blogs Lori Duff Writes

Monthly Archives: January 2020

Book Review — The Ride January 31, 2020

J. Harold Melton’s “The Ride” is a very masculine novel.  What do I mean by that?  It smells like aftershave and bourbon and axle grease, with maybe an overtone of testosterone.  This doesn’t mean that The Ride isn’t the kind of book that women wouldn’t like – it isn’t masculine in the stereotypical shoot-em-up way,…

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Buying Smarts January 24, 2020

If you can’t come by them naturally, think about buying smarts. I’ve mentioned before that I don’t travel well, and this latest trip proves me right. My son and I were going to Bloomington, Indiana via Indianapolis for his audition for the Jacobs School of Music.  Aside from a brief panicky scare when we realized…

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Let Your Freak Flag Fly January 10, 2020

The phrase, “Let Your Freak Flag Fly” has been tumbling around my head for a while.  It pops in, unbidden, shouting, commanding, drowning out other, more hesitant phrases.  I have decided to make it the theme of 2020. This is 2020.  The year of clear vision.  The year my first-born son graduates from high school…

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Book Review: Sleeping Between Giants January 3, 2020

When I tell you that “Sleeping Between Giants: Life, If You Could Call It That, With a Terrier” by Dave Jaffe is a funny book, you seriously have to believe me.  I started to read it in the lobby of the auditorium while I was waiting for my son’s concert to start.  I had to…

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