There are two basic ways in which brains are wired in the Duff household. One way is the way my son and I think of the universe. Jacob and I? We like the box. We find the walls of the box comforting. We like rules and lists and limits and structure. There are plenty of…
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You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in Conversationby Deborah Tannen Not long ago, I had the privilege of speaking to the Barrow County Chamber of Commerce Women in Business group. My topic was “Finding Humor in Stressful Situations.” I came up with and committed to the topic before I thought about what I was…
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One day in the not too distant future, when I have more than three recreational hours in a row, I would like to travel the world. I want to go to Italy and see the art that virtually litters every street corner. I want to dive the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. I want to…
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The Poet of Tolstoy Park: A Novel (Reader’s Circle) I wasn’t sure if I was going to write a review about this book, because I wasn’t sure if I liked it enough. The writing was painted in beautiful watercolors in the way of most great southern storytellers. But not much happened. It isn’t an exciting…
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This is the second in a two part series. For part one, click here. When we last left off, it was fiveish in the morning, and my son Jacob and I were at the front of a seven mile long line of folks waiting to get through security at the Atlanta Airport. We had just…
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Write to Grow by Colleen Walsh Fong. I’ll come clean on a few things before this review: 1. I don’t generally read business advice books. Corporate speak phrases (such as actualizing potentials and shifting paradigms) make me want to actualize my own potential to violence. Plus, most of the advice seems so very obvious to…
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My children, who are both naturally smart and talented at everything they attempt, not to mention extremely good looking and kind to animals, both were on teams that qualified for the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) national tournament in Louisville, KY. Since no one called me to ask about convenient times for this…
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Dog on It: A Chet and Bernie Mystery (The Chet and Bernie Mystery Series) by Spencer Quinn Dog On It is the first in a series that is lengthier than I thought it was until I looked it up on Amazon for this review. It is, in some ways, your basic detective novel, where the…
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There is a joke we tell in these parts so often that it couldn’t possibly be funny anymore: if you don’t like the weather, you should just wait 15 minutes. Such is spring in Georgia. It is not uncommon for there to be a forty degree swing in temperature between eight in the morning and three…
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A Long Spoon by Jonathan L. Howard Jonathan L. Howard, that is to say, Johannes Cabal, is at his best when in Hell. The literal Hell, not the figurative one. “A Long Spoon,” a short story companion to the Johannes Cabal book series, might be my favorite Cabal adventure yet. (An aside: is Cabal pronounced…
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