For a while, when I was a teenager, I was obsessed with the idea of color. I got it into my head that there was no way to know if we all perceived color the same way, that maybe the way I saw green was the way you saw orange, and that would explain why…
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I’m being bullied by marketing departments. I know that’s what it is. I know it’s not actually the critters they send with over-large eyes and disapproving expressions, but I’m unusually susceptible to such things. Guilt is one of the languages I’m fluent in. I want to go to Italy. I want to start at one…
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Let me introduce you to my new favorite social activity: the Silent Book Club. It’s such an amazing concept for us introverts, the ones who aren’t anti-social, but who prefer parallel play to yapping and quiet to noise. Here’s the concept. Like minded people get together in a coffee shop or similar place. We spend…
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Back a thousand years ago when I had small, adorable children I managed to send out holiday cards. I used templates to stick in pictures of the Dufflets, the world’s most adorable children, and a saved list of holiday address labels to stick on the front of envelopes. Then, people moved and the address labels…
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This one goes out to all of my Gen X peeps who ever stood around a 40-gallon garbage can filled with Kool-Aid and grain alcohol in the late 80’s or early 90’s wearing acid washed jeans and pretending to be sophisticated. We were reminiscing about the early days of COVID-19 of all things, when toilet…
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It’s pub day, my friends! Devil’s Defense has officially been released into the world. You can find it online wherever you buy books, and in person at your favorite bookstore or local library. (You may have to ask them to order it, but please do.) Because you are my loyal subscribers, I’m giving you a…
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Friends. I have some good news for you. If you follow me on social media, you probably already know this due to my incessant, obnoxious posting, but if you don’t, or if the Meta Algorithms have not been kind to me, I need to let you know: My first full-length novel is going to be…
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To exit Hell, please enter your one-time double-factor authentication code we sent to an email address you no longer have the password to. I got a new computer. The screen on it is so big that I named it “Lori’s IMAX” in our network. It’s super fast—so fast that even the tech guy I had…
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I’m a crafty kind of gal, though one of the things I can’t really do is sew. I wanted to learn, though, and so about twenty-five years ago, my mother gave me her ancient Singer sewing machine. Her condition was that I use it to make her a gold lame bib. Seriously. At the time,…
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Given that I am fifty-four years old, I’m only middle aged if I live to a hundred and eight which is possible but is also highly unlikely. None of my four grandparents lived until seventy, and my parents didn’t make it to eighty. Of course, all of them were unrepentant smokers, but still. I guess…
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