Lori Writes Books and Blogs Lori Duff Writes

Monthly Archives: March 2021

Old Lady Duff March 26, 2021

The average life expectancy of an American woman in 1921 was 60.1 years.  Since I am currently 50-point-I don’t want to do the math years old, that means that a mere 100 years ago I would be an old woman, damned near death.  As recently as 1907, I would be OLDER than the average living…

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Just Say Nope March 12, 2021

Every once in a while I stumble upon a product so life changing, I have to write about it.  I promise you, the good folks at Smarta$$ and Sass who sold it to me have not compensated me in any way.[1] It is (insert drumroll) a self-inking stamp that says “Nope.” See? I have given…

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