I don’t know about you, but I’m getting tired of all the nasty in this world. Everyone seems so focused on what they don’t like and what is wrong with others and how they are different. Conformity has become a value. Either you’re with us or you’re against us. Allia Zobel Nolan’s children’s book, “What…
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Back in the 1970s there was a commercial for Faberge Organic Shampoo[1] that had some All-American looking blonde girl telling two friends about how awesome her shampoo was, and they each told two friends and so on and so on until the whole thing went viral before going viral was a thing. It’s worth re-watching…
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The only explanation that makes sense is that somewhere around the age of 70 we go from being mammals to being reptiles and that is why my parents keep their house near the temperature needed to melt metal. Frankly, it’s surprising the framing in the furniture holds up, but it does explain the ceramic tile…
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I’m a proud stop today on Linda Rosen’s WOW! WOMEN ON WRITING TOUR OF The Disharmony of Silence. It’s Women’s History month after all — shouldn’t we be supporting female independent authors? This book is part historical fiction and part modern day. It focuses on our need, as women, to connect with each other. It…
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