Lori Writes Books and Blogs Lori Duff Writes

Monthly Archives: September 2017

Teenager Exchange Program September 29, 2017

In the division of labor in the Duff house, my daughter has what is probably the easiest job – emptying the dishwasher.  It isn’t hard to do, or particularly time consuming.  Rather than thank her lucky stars that she isn’t required to clean around the toilet her brother aims at poorly, she complains that this…

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It Comes in Threes September 16, 2017

                Honestly, the day started out just fine if you don’t count the fact that I had to set my alarm for 6 on a Saturday morning.  I drove my son to his rehearsal at the Atlanta Symphony Youth Orchestra, drank coffee and wrote in the audience, and was generally peaceful, if a little sleepy. …

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BOOK REVIEW: A Wrinkle In Time September 8, 2017

A Wrinkle in Time: 50th Anniversary Commemorative Edition (A Wrinkle in Time Quintet) When I was a child, before “Young Adult” was a genre that was really a thing, I loved to read. Certain books stood out for me, and I reread them until the pages got soft and started to fall out. I’d carefully…

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On the Road with Mario September 2, 2017

My husband’s name is Mike, not Mario, but you wouldn’t know it from the way he drives. I’m pretty sure that my husband goes out of his way to accelerate and brake in the car in such as way as to maximize the g-forces his passengers experience.  It is in this way that he can…

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