Lori Writes Books and Blogs Lori Duff Writes

Monthly Archives: June 2022

The Art of Hotel Rooms June 24, 2022

Summer is conference season.  Every week in June, and several weeks in July, I am going to somebody’s annual get-together.  It doesn’t matter where.  The conference could be in Paris, France or Armpit, Arkansas or the moon for all I care.  All conference rooms look more or less the same on the inside.  All that…

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Nose Hair June 10, 2022

It’s no secret that but for my regular trips to the Brazilian Wax shop near me, I could have a second career as the bearded lady in a Victorian-era circus.  I’m so, erm, Eastern European that I should probably weigh myself before and after trips to visit Roberta.  I went to see her the other…

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