In case you hadn’t noticed from all the mask wearing people around you, we are in the middle of a pandemic. As I am writing this, which on ‘first draft day’ is January 21, 2021, over 400,000 Americans are dead from Coronavirus. Whether you believe this number is real or not, I can tell you…
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I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but things have been a little bit out of control lately. We can’t seem to go more than 45 minutes without breaking news. That doesn’t even count all the crazy stuff that’s going on in my personal life. Since we’re at the beginning of a new year, which some…
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We have been dog owners for over two years now. Having Lincoln in our house has revealed a divide that I feel like sociologists should study. The divide is along gender lines, which I don’t think is coincidental. I never took a sociology class, but my daughter did, and she got an “A” in it,…
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