I was sitting on the sofa petting my dog. It had been a bad day, and I was thinking how much better I felt stroking his fur and feeling his warm puppy breath on my leg. It had been a bad day. As a lawyer, I often witness man’s inhumanity to man. When I was…
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There comes a time in any decades-long marriage, no matter how solid, loving, and in-for-the-long haul when you want to stab your beloved in the eye with a fork. This is why all the women I know have at least one girlfriend in whom she can confide when she’s having one of those murderous days.…
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With the new year comes a whole slew of social media posts, blogs, and articles titled a variation on “New Year, New You.” These are, I suppose, intended to be helpful and hopeful, and every time I see one I want to put my fist through the computer screen. I hate them with an unbridled…
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