Last week, I wrote about chaperoning a middle school band festival and finding ourselves in the kind of hotel you’d expect to see chalk outlines in. Click here to read the beginning of the story. I stood in the middle of the room, unsure of what to do. The girls had plopped themselves on the…
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I am chaperoning a Middle School Band festival. Yes, I know. Living the dream. Seriously, it is a thing I am happy to do, and I took off a day of work just to do it. I think it is fantastic that there are this many young teenagers who are in to the arts and wear their…
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Being Jewish, I do not celebrate Christmas with my family. That said, living in the sub-suburban Georgia, it is entirely impossible for me not to celebrate the Christmas holiday season in some form or fashion. Every organization has a Christmas party (very few of them are ‘holiday’ parties) and my children’s public schools are decorated…
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Lori Duff Writes about how the world would be a better place if she only had a jillion dollars. I would make a fabulous rich person. I don’t mean merely a person with a lot of money, I mean one of those ridiculously rich people who are worth so much that it isn’t worth their…
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