Liebster Award March 27, 2015
The Liebster Award
I was proud to be nominated for a Liebster award by Emily from Mom on the Move. The Liebster award was created to help people discover new, interesting bloggers that you might not have found otherwise. Once nominated, nominees answer questions from their nominator, the nominate new nominees, name new questions for the new nominees, and then get really really tired of typing the word “nominee” and variations thereon.
That said, here’s my answers to the questions Emily asked me:
- Why did you start blogging? In short, it is much, much cheaper than therapy, and more effective as well.
- If you could meet any person in history, who would it be? Mark Twain. I love Mark Twain. I love his humor, his ideas, his sense of adventure, and his moustache.
- If you could wish for one thing, what would it be? A book contract with a six figure advance.
- What is your favorite movie and why? The Princess Bride. I’ve seen this movie approximately seventy zillion times, and it never fails to be entertaining, funny, hopeful, charming, timeless, and fun. Children and adults love it equally. It is the most quotable movie I’ve ever seen. At least once a week I say, “I do not think that word means what you think it means,” “Have fun storming the castle!” and “Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”
- Name three places you’d like to visit. (1)Australia – I’ve always wanted to dive the Great Barrier Reef, though those deadly little octopi with the purple rings scare me a good bit. (2) Italy – I want to see all that fabulous art up close and personal. (3) Hawai’i – I want to play in the ocean and see a volcano. And drink rum drinks in a pineapple.
- Where is your favorite place to vacation? I’m really a homebody, and since I’ve had kids most of our vacations involve going to visit relatives for weddings and Bar Mitzvahs, and maybe taking an extra day on a school related trip. Our vacation money goes into a house on Lake Oconee where I can go on vacation and still be at home. I know it is my own crud in the shower, and my toothbrush is already in the bathroom.
- If you won the lottery what would you do with the money? I’m assuming this is one of those nine figure lotteries and not a $15.00 scratch off. That said, I would start a charity that would give micro-loans to folks who just need a kick start to get their lives in order – the first and last month’s rent for a family that needs independent living. A retainer for a lawyer for someone in an abusive relationship who needs to get divorced. A used car or a cell phone for someone who can’t get a job without one. I would make sure that the Boys & Girls Club in my community had a trust fund. I would open a non-self-sustainable bookstore in which only books which the staff reads and likes are for sale, with an emphasis on independent publishers. Plus, I’d hire someone to clean my house and mow my lawn and do my laundry and drive my car (I hate driving!) and I’d build a library and a music room in my house. This is really a big question.
- What is your favorite thing to do to relax. No question. To read.
- [oooooohhh! Emily didn’t give a ‘nine’!]
- What is your favorite meal to cook? Lemon chicken.
- If you could pick a different occupation what would it be and why? I am currently a lawyer, which does allow for a good bit of creativity, but I would want to do something more creative. I think I would have liked advertising. Or maybe being an editor. Or a best selling author.
My nominees are:
- Colleen Walsh Fong of Copywrites.
- Danielle Masterson of Danielle Masterson Books.
- Mary Patterson Thornburg.
- Amy O. of Allspice and Acrylics.
- Brian Moloney of The Freelance Retort.
- Suzen Pettit of Omaginarium.
- Johnny Robish.
- Greg Van Antwerp of The Urban Archaeologist.
- Linda Schaub of Reflections and Recollections.
- Jeanne Claire Probst.
I tried to make up questions that wouldn’t be impossible to answer but would make for entertaining answers. I apologize in advance to my nominees if they are too offbeat. My questions are:
- What makes you laugh the most?
- If you find yourself with an unscheduled hour, what would you do with it?
- If you knew you only had one last meal, what would it be?
- Coffee or tea?
- What book are you reading right now?
- If you could sum up your blog in a Haiku, what would it be?
- What author inspires you the most?
- What decade do you think you would feel most comfortable living in?
- Camping: communing with nature or total uncomfortable bug-fest?
- If you could pick one age to be and stay for the next twenty years, what would it be and why?
- If you could spend ten minutes with High School You, what would you do/say?
I’m looking forward to their answers. Please check out all my nominees’ pages, as well as Mom on the Run who nominated me! Sign up for all their email lists and follow them on social media. They appreciate it more than you know!
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Lori B. Duff is an award-winning author who practices law on the side. Her latest book, “If You Did What I Asked in the First Place” was awarded the Gold Medal for humor in the Foreword INDIES awards in 2019. You can follow her on Twitter at @LoriBDuff and on Facebook. For more blogs written by Lori, click here. For more information about Lori in general, click here. If you want Lori to do your writing for you, click here. If you want Lori to help you market your book, click here.
Liebster Award