I’m not a huge fan of scary things. Probably because my day to day life is scary enough. As a lawyer, I’m one of the first people that gets a call when someone dies, I’m in the room when people are told they are never going to see their children again, and I am often…
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“If you could have any superpower, what would it be?” Of course, I’m not going to get a superpower any time soon, but it’s an interesting question to contemplate. My first thought when presented with this question was that of all the superpowers held by all the superheroes I’ve witnessed, the thing I’d like the…
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Bullspotting: Finding Facts in the Age of Misinformation “Bullspotting” by Loren Collins is a book that attempts to hold a lens of hard, cold logic to an entirely illogical world in order to sift through a sea of emotionally persuasive information that overwhelms us. It is a book about critical thinking in a world in…
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