Lori Writes Books and Blogs Lori Duff Writes

Monthly Archives: August 2016

BOOK REVIEW: Gods Behaving Badly August 31, 2016

Gods Behaving Badly: A Novel Gods Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips gets points mainly for creativity. I’m always happy when I find a book that isn’t like all the others; that doesn’t fit a formula or even a particular genre. The premise of this book is that the Greek gods didn’t disappear with the fall…

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A Mother’s Lament August 28, 2016

A MOTHER’S LAMENT Twinkle twinkle little star Get this trash out of my car The Taco Bell The Coffee Cup: Balloons that you were blowing up   Up above the world so high Somewhere there’s a bright blue sky It can’t be seen Through this dim glass Through fingerprints and dust and ash   How…

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Yesoholics Anonymous August 21, 2016

Hello.  My name is Lori, and I’m a Yesoholic. I have a more or less clinical resistance to saying no to whatever people ask of me.  In fact, even when I say no, people take it as a yes.  For example, when I was nominated as the secretary of the middle school band boosters my…

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VIRTUAL BOOK TOUR: A Solitary Romance August 17, 2016

A Solitary Romance: Book 1 in the Only Love Series Disclaimer: The good folks at Books and the Bear gave me a copy of A Solitary Romance in exchange for an honest review. A Solitary Romance by Violet Sparks tells the story of Katrina Crimshaw, or “Kate,” a CPA and auditor who has a blog…

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Mascara August 14, 2016

If I were a little kid, and I presented you with this picture I had drawn with crayons:you would have no real way of knowing if it was supposed to be a boy or a girl.  It’s kind of a generic person face.  Nothing especially feminine or masculine about it. However, if I were to…

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BOOK REVIEW: Every Day by David Levithan August 12, 2016

Every Day Every Day by David Levithan is further proof of my theory that if you want to read a really good, beautifully written, engaging, creative, through provoking book that you ought to spend most of your time in the young adult section. Every Day has an unusual premise. The narrator, known as “A,” wakes…

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Crushing Mind Candy August 7, 2016

Comes the end of the day (defined on some bad days as 3:00 p.m.) and I am completely brain dead.  There has been enough input and the overworked filing clerks in my skull need some time to sort out the information gathered in the day and put it into some sensible order.  Enter Candy Crush. …

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