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Articles tagged: family

I Left You Alone for Ten Minutes Part 2 December 6, 2018

As you will recall from last week’s column, I left my husband alone for ten minutes at a street fair in South Carolina, 200 miles away from our home, and instead of buying a jar of local honey or an antique saw blade painted with local scenes like a normal person at a craft fair,…

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I Left You Alone for Ten Minutes November 29, 2018

I didn’t grow up with pets.  My father has a basic contempt for any critter that doesn’t have the sense to be born a human being.  My mother teeters between being afraid of anything with pointy teeth and being grossed out by anything with an exposed anus.  Our pets were limited to birds in cages…

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U.S.S. Nightmare October 27, 2018

I’m not a huge fan of scary things.  Probably because my day to day life is scary enough.  As a lawyer, I’m one of the first people that gets a call when someone dies, I’m in the room when people are told they are never going to see their children again, and I am often…

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For the Love of Worry May 17, 2018

My Dad is in the hospital. This, naturally, is cause for alarm, and I worry. My parents live 600 miles away from me, so it isn’t so easy for me to just go and check as often as I’d like. The older my parents get, the more I fret about each thing that occurs. Every…

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Golden Anniversary and Advice March 30, 2018

On April 6, 2018, just a few days from when I am typing this, my parents will have been married for fifty years. Yup, their golden anniversary has arrived. There are a number of miracles at play here. My parents did not have a particularly romantic beginning, though if you know them, you won’t be…

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