My husband’s name is Mike, not Mario, but you wouldn’t know it from the way he drives. I’m pretty sure that my husband goes out of his way to accelerate and brake in the car in such as way as to maximize the g-forces his passengers experience. It is in this way that he can…
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I am stupidly excited about going to Dayton, Ohio at the end of this month, even if it has triggered the worst of my social anxiety. I am attending the Erma Bombeck Writer’s Workshop. This is the kind of workshop that sells out in a few hours. I feel fortunate to be attending, though luck…
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I’m pretty sure there is a zoning ordinance in my area – possibly in the whole state, and possibly in parts beyond – that if you are building a strip mall with more than three store fronts in it, you have to have at least one nail salon and one martial arts studio. You wouldn’t…
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