Ode to Flannel Sheets “Beauty is truth, truth beauty,” And beauty occureth not without a good night’s sleep. Therefore without sleep, there is no truth, Only a jumble of undercaffeinated syllables. Percale will do, maybe even soothe on hot summer nights. But in the winter? The flannel sheets grab you, Hold fast to your…
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I’m now old enough for Home Medical Equipment – specifically, a CPAP machine. Along with age comes wisdom. Also, extra body fat, wiry chin hairs, and an inability to distinguish one pop song from another. Me, I got an extra bonus – the ability to snore. I snore loudly and dramatically, so I’m told. My…
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It’s summer, summer being defined as “that period of time in which you don’t have to get up and go to school,” and that conjures up a lot of images. Long, lazy days in the sun; books to be read; frozen drinks; swimming; and all manner of recreational activities. Except for us working folks, for…
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