Do you prefer physical pleasure or mental pleasure? Being in possession of a human-type body like I am, there is some routine maintenance that needs to be done. Most of that maintenance is not particularly pleasant. It can be invasive, uncomfortable, or downright painful. Yet I persist, partly out of a desire to survive with…
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I boarded the plane with the dread I always feel when required to sit next to strangers. Who will be next to me? Do they have the same hygiene standards as me? Do they have the same sense of personal space? Are they talkers? Not a fan of talkers. I’m on this plane to get…
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I’m fairly certain that if you left me alone long enough I could take over the world. Maybe that’s why no one ever leaves me alone. They fear the conquering of a superior force. Seriously, though, when I am left alone, I am a powerhouse. I can accomplish any task. If you leave me alone…
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