Scent of the Past “Scent of the Past,” by Erin Marie Bernardo combines the genres of chick-lit and historical fiction, with the sci-fi element of time travel for an entertaining read. Note: This book was provided to me by the good folks at Books and the Bear in exchange for an honest review. Addison and…
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The Last Roadshow by John Czarnota The Last Roadshow, by John Czarnota has a fantasic premise: Joe Knocker (not his real name) goes to the filming of Antiques Roadshow programs. He finds someone with a valuable piece of artwork, and then six months later (so someone at the Roadshow won’t be suspected). His network of…
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The Children of Darkness The Children of Darkness, by David Litwack, is a dystopian young adult novel, of the sort that seems to be very popular these days. This isn’t a Hunger Games clone, though, and has original characters and plot. I was given a copy of this book by the good folks at BookBear…
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