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Articles in category: Parenting

Music Lessons March 27, 2016

When I was but a wee babe, the Partridge Family was a hit show.  I loved it for many reasons, not the least of which was the existence of “Lori Partridge,” who justified my name as a cool-girl name.  I still hold a grudge against the Romper Room lady for never saying she saw “Lori”…

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Tweenage Drama Island February 28, 2016

Some other Moms of pubescent girls and I have been talking, and we think we’ve found a solution to our problems that will not only make our lives easier, but possibly make us a metric ton of money. I’m talking about a reality show, Tweenage Drama Island: Where EVERYTHING Is Personal. Imagine this: twenty-five 12…

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Grilled Cheese and Snuggles February 7, 2016

The other day, my daughter was sad for reasons only truly understood by another 12 year old girl.  It was a Saturday, one of the few days in which I had nothing in particular to do, and to celebrate planned on doing laundry and scrubbing the grout in the bathroom. Marin moaned something pitiful and…

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My Funeral January 31, 2016

    Right about the time I graduated from college, my friends started getting engaged.  It got to the point where every week there was either an engagement, a shower, or a wedding.  This was what my social life was: pretending to care when someone unwrapped a Mr. Coffee, elbowing other women wearing uncomfortable dresses…

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The Latest Trend in . . . Armpit Hair? January 17, 2016

Since we all know how hip and happening I am, as evidenced by the fact that all the cool kids refer to themselves as ‘hip’ and ‘happening,’ I would like to bring you news of the latest trend that makes me question, well, everything. Yes, I’m talking about dyed armpit hair.  Apparently, women are letting…

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Uphill in the Snow. Both Ways. December 20, 2015

I’m not sure when exactly I got old enough to begin every third sentence with “when I was a kid” but seriously, folks, when I was a kid, things were different. I could go on and on about technology, and how I had to type out my college papers on a typewriter and then retype…

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What Comes Around November 15, 2015

Everything old is new again, they say, and just like you can actually find legwarmers for sale, and real live fashionable teenagers wearing them, other 80s things are making a comeback. After we decided that earrings were a no-go for my son’s birthday (click here to read more about that parenting dilemma) he decided he wanted…

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Getting His Ears Pierced October 18, 2015

My thirteen year old son wants his ears pierced. My sunny little blonde haired blued eyed smiling little boy wants to poke holes in his head and decorate himself. Ok, his hair isn’t clear yellow anymore: it has become a light brown/dirty blonde, and he isn’t little so much as 5’9”, but his eyes are…

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Chicken Soup for the Sick October 4, 2015

The seasons are changing now, from summer to fall, from eyeball melting heat to mere hotness, and here in Georgia that means that on any given day it might be 85 degrees out or 50.  Or both. This is a recipe for illness in the Duff household, with my son and I generally bearing the…

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Parent’s Bill of Rights September 6, 2015

THE BILL OF RIGHTS, AS APPLIED TO PARENTS FIRST AMENDMENT:FREE SPEECH The fact that you have given birth to a child, adopted a child, or in some other way claimed a young ‘un for your own in no way shape or form limits your right to free speech.  If you spill the pink drink in…

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