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Articles in category: Uncategorized

Rent-a-Mom December 23, 2022

I have a business idea that, if I had the energy to build from the ground up, would make me a zillionaire.  Get this: Rent-a-Mom.  There have been times when I wished I could have called the good ladies at Rent-a-Mom when my kids were sick at college and just needed a good in-person momming…

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Picking Out Glasses December 9, 2022

I went on my annual pilgrimage to the eye doctor earlier today.  I’ve had eyeball surgery three times in my life, so the poking and prodding they do for a normal exam is no big deal to me.  The big deal is picking out glasses.  This is a big, colossal deal, and I’m expected to…

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I Am a Magician November 25, 2022

I was having lunch with my husband in a semi-fancy restaurant when I had an epiphany.  Y’all, I am a freaking magician.  I can turn a lightly grilled piece of cow haunch into human thigh fat without any apparent effort.  It’s a good thing we don’t have to know how our bodies do these things. …

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Renaissance Festival November 11, 2022

I went to visit my son a few weeks ago in Houston, home of the World’s Worst Highway System.[1]  It was a busy, whirlwind trip, and one of the things we did was go to the Texas Renaissance Festival.  Among other things, the Texas Renaissance Festival bills itself as the world’s largest Renaissance Festival because,…

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In Defense of Gossip October 28, 2022

When my kids were little, I made sure they knew there was a difference between tattling and telling.  Tattling was bad.  Tattling was telling on someone for the sole purpose of getting that person in trouble.  It wasn’t making the world safer or more orderly or preventing a theft.  Telling, on the other hand, could…

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Grownup’s Table October 14, 2022

I remember being a little kid and being stuck at the grownup’s table.  We might have been at a restaurant or at someone else’s house, but somewhere where retreating to my own space wasn’t an option.  I remember wanting to feel included in this grownup world, wishing I had something to contribute to the conversation,…

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A Whole Crop of New Germs October 3, 2022

My daughter is a freshman at college.  She is 800 miles away from home in a completely different type of environment.  She has gone from the semi-rural south to metropolitan Philadelphia, from the buckle of the Bible belt to a liberal women’s college.  It’s good for her, I think, to see that the world is…

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Do Unto Others September 17, 2022

The other day, comedienne Leighann Lord tweeted out the following oh-so-profound statement: “I’m no longer interested in productivity being the measure of my humanity.”[1]  That struck me like a lightning bolt, and I thought, Yeah.  I am more than the sum total of my output.  I waste so much mental energy judging my days (and…

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Spoiling Our Dog September 2, 2022

My husband often accuses me of spoiling our dog.  He says this because I allow him to sleep on my feet and lick my hands and sometimes I give him a treat just because I feel like giving him a treat.  But here’s the thing: I may get more out of Lincoln being a foot…

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Real Adult Life August 19, 2022

Raising children is entertaining, if you can manage to take a step back from dirty diapers, dirty dishes, and dirty words coming out of formerly innocent mouths.  Each stage of the parenting game has its own quirks.  My little baby son called blueberries “boobabies” and that was cute.  My kindergarten daughter got in a spat…

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