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Articles tagged: school

Dress Code Blues August 5, 2017

‘Tis the beginning of the school year, and, ergo, ‘tis the time of year in which teenagers all around the world get huffy about their schools’ dress codes.  The teenagers in my house are no exception. I take that back.  My teenage son doesn’t much care, since it doesn’t really affect him.  Boy fashion is…

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Participation Awards Bingo May 20, 2017

As the school year winds down, we find ourselves joyfully celebrating our children’s successes and patiently celebrating the successes of the other children in their classes that we might or might not know.  Yes, I’m talking about awards night, or, more to the point, awards nights, plural.  Everything has an awards night.  Each sports team,…

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The Wednesday of My Life May 29, 2016

It’s summer, summer being defined as “that period of time in which you don’t have to get up and go to school,” and that conjures up a lot of images.  Long, lazy days in the sun; books to be read; frozen drinks; swimming; and all manner of recreational activities. Except for us working folks, for…

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