Lori Writes Books and Blogs Lori Duff Writes

Lori Duff

Turning Away Ice Cream on your Death Bed June 1, 2023

When my mother was in hospice care, she craved those little bitty ice cream cones with a baby scoop of ice cream and a hard chocolate coating like these.  She had gone through years of suffering with lung cancer that eventually spread to her brain and, dangit, she’d earned her right to an ice cream…

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Stress in my Entertainment April 3, 2023

‘Stress’ is, I guess, a relative term.  I feel like I have a pretty stressful life, with a high pressure job, a house and kids to take care of.  But, I also don’t worry about where my next meal is coming from or if a tiger is going to stalk out of the jungle and…

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Writing in Cursive March 17, 2023

I often hear people my age and older bemoaning the fact that children are no longer taught writing in cursive in school.  Aside from the fact that people’s signatures look silly if they aren’t written in cursive – riddle me this.  Why, exactly do they need to learn? These are kids who know how to…

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Hermit Buddy February 25, 2023

Here are the top five things I remember thinking and can’t believe I actually used to think that: I think you’ll notice a prevailing theme.  I used to go out and do stuff, and going out and doing stuff and being with my friends was a priority over creature comforts and bodily functions like sleep. …

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A Good Nurse February 10, 2023

My husband recently had back surgery – he had two of his lumbar discs fused to two other lumbar discs which had been fused about nine years ago.  No, he hadn’t been in a car wreck or fall.  He just got old(er) and the human body wasn’t originally designed to live as long as it…

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Knitting the Zombie Apocalypse January 27, 2023

When I was a young girl, my grandmother taught me to knit.  For many years, all I could knit was rectangles, but you can make a lot of things with rectangles.  Scarves, blankets, even hats.  My Dad, whenever he saw me knitting, called me “Madame Defarge” after the Charles Dickens character in A Tale of…

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Over Fifty Algorithmically January 13, 2023

I guess because I’m over fifty and algorithms are real, I keep getting suggested links to articles with titles like, “Ten Outfits You Should Never Wear if You’re Over Fifty” or “Makeup Trends to Avoid if You’re Over Fifty” or “Haircuts That Will Just Make You Look Like a Dried-up Hag if You Are North…

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