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Articles tagged: pollen

Pollen Season and Yellow Snow April 14, 2018

In light of record high pollen counts and the glue that has become every bodily fluid I produce, I thought this article from 2016 was worth republishing. I have a superpower.  I can take ordinary grocery items, like lettuce and milk and Little Debbie Snack Cakes, and turn them into pounds and pounds of pollen-induced…

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Pollen Season Again May 8, 2016

I have a superpower.  I can take ordinary grocery items, like lettuce and milk and Little Debbie Snack Cakes, and turn them into pounds and pounds of pollen-induced mucus.  I can do this without, apparently, expending a single calorie.  It is the one thing at which my body is remarkably efficient.  I do this at…

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