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Articles tagged: marriage

Book Review — Nookietown May 4, 2018

Nookietown: A Novel Nookietown is based in Nohquee, NJ. so nicknamed long before the antics that take place in this clever, funny, sexy novel. If you’ve been married for more than a decade, and if you have children, especially if you are a woman, you might likely be intrigued by the premise of this book.…

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Golden Anniversary and Advice March 30, 2018

On April 6, 2018, just a few days from when I am typing this, my parents will have been married for fifty years. Yup, their golden anniversary has arrived. There are a number of miracles at play here. My parents did not have a particularly romantic beginning, though if you know them, you won’t be…

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Personal Space July 26, 2015

I’ve been married now for 3,129.285 years. So it seems. Things that happened before I got married seem somewhat unreal, almost like they are memories of a movie I once saw rather than things that actually happened to me. So, needless to say, the honeymoon stage is over. Way over. My husband and I have…

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