Lori Writes Books and Blogs Lori Duff Writes


Smell Pollution November 16, 2014

We won’t put up with noise pollution or other assaults on our senses.  Lori Duff Writes about why we put up with Smell Pollution. I’ve never been a real estate agent, and I’m not a particularly good salesperson, mainly because if someone says they don’t want something, or even shows with their body language that…

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When Mummy Gets Sick: A Parenting Win November 12, 2014

Moms aren’t allowed to get sick. Lori Duff Writes about how she went against the rules, got sick anyway, and ended up with a Parenting Win. I have no time to get sick. No time at all.  I don’t know about you, but there are only 24 hours in my day. Laundry doesn’t fold itself,…

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Pedicures November 5, 2014

I’m pretty sure there is a zoning ordinance in my area – possibly in the whole state, and possibly in parts beyond – that if you are building a strip mall with more than three store fronts in it, you have to have at least one nail salon and one martial arts studio.  You wouldn’t…

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Becoming a Man — Jacob’s Bar Mitzvah October 31, 2014

Author’s Note:  On Saturday, October 25, 2014, my son became a Bar Mitzvah.  It is traditional for the Bar Mitzvah boy’s parents to say nice things about him to the whole congregation.  Following is my speech from her son’s Bar Mitzvah. Normally, it is bad form to brag about your kids to a captive audience.  But…

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